Photography & Graphic Design

A portfolio for my work with HDR Photography of landscape and nature from Europe and South East Asia...

You will find a lot of pictures from various cultural sites, mountains, waterfalls, sunsets, sunrises and more.
You will also find interactive panoramas with environment sounds.

I also work a lot with 3D imaging and graphic design with programs such as Carrara 8.5 Pro, Poser Pro and Vue d'Esprit.

This site is fully optimized for mobile devices, and will remain all functionality from the desktop version of the site on all kind of tablets and smartphones.

Have a nice stay here!

Website is developed by: This website is developed by Sunspire Media & Design

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Site revival & New Site… (And a hacked FB-account…😡😡😡)

This page hasn’t been updated in a long time because I’ve been focusing on posting my travel photos and travel stories on social media…

Unfortunately, my main facebook profile has been hacked and locked… Someone has managed to link an Instagram account that has distributed malicious material… This means that all my pages for photography and graphic design and also my company profile are gone…

Originally, this page was supposed to be a general travel blog, but now I’m going to change direction and get more specific with starting a brand new dedicated photo page on to have more freedom to tailor the content…

How I will do with my graphic portfolio is not decided yet, but maybe I will use Behance since I am an Adobe Creative Cloud user? So we’ll see?